Report Delayed Until Further Notice from the Below Brixton Farm Project (now on hiatus)

While the Below Brixton Farm was still operational a few weeks ago (oddly, it was not An Incident which prompted it to fold up for the Winter), I was getting regular handfuls of fungi for my personal use…sort of a “thank you” for my mycological expertise.  Jackie is still in mourning a bit (mum passed in April, two other close relatives are in hospice care today) and decided to leave them aside until her head is a little better screwed on — maybe after it’s been a year, she reckons.

So, this has left me as a sort of Johnny Appleseed (or, Bunny Mycelium as it were) and I have dumped a bit of my largess on friends that have expressed an interest IN EXCHANGE FOR a story after they try them out.  I got one from one of Jackie’s former colleagues earlier this month and, since he is also in touch, regularly, with my main Brixton Buddy I figured my suggestion to take the whole load was going to be adhered to.   This time.

I took my last day of annual leave from the Oxford job Monday to visit another friend at the King’s College campus and hospital in Denmark Hill and figured it would also be my last chance to check in with my other guinea pig (while I was near enough to walk over).  I figured I could buy him one more pint and catch up on his wee psychedelic experience before our big move at the end of the week.

His mobile was unreachable.  I hope this doesn’t mean there was An Incident.  I hope I get that story, even second-hand, from him.  And, I hope he and his lovely missus have a wonderful Christmas and New Years (I seem to remember a trip to the Med planned for The Season).  And, I hope we keep in touch.

If you pay close attention to the area around the Brixton Market and St Matt’s Garden, you may have seen this guy whose woman gets taken for the 3 Card Monty bit in “Now You See Me 2” (inserted below).  The camera put a little weight on this thin mofo, but he’s as animated here as he is in person.  Fare well, buddy:

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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