Ten Years in the UK

I don’t know what to write about this: we (Jackie, myself, and our two now quite dead cats) flew from Phoenix, Arizona to London on 14th January 2009, precisely ten years ago today.  Instead of blathering on the way I normally do this time each year, here are some pictures (I understand that they are each worth a thousand words, so about four or five of my average posts, apiece; click on them for links to their sources).

Pub #1: The Red Lion, Stretham, Cambs

Worst hangover:

The move to Oxford from Cambridge, or my stupid obsession with long Dylan songs (I’m sure Phil Och’s “When In Rome” is better than the lot of them, though):

Long runs:

Some of which were marathons (with stops for non-event refreshments along the way):

Meeting new friends:

Good pubs (about 1 in 10, to be honest):

New stuff/old stuff:



More food:

Books from friends (dear friends):

And other books (also inspired by ones loaned from dear friends, but who won’t speak to me anymore … don’t judge, we’ve all been there …):

And, of course, running:

And, running:

And, more running:


And, y’know, pubs…2199 to date, but I suspect there will be a few more before this whole thing wraps up:

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.