2020 Commute 43 of 52 (From): Run Overview and #GVRAT Geolocation

3½ days in the labs this week and busy work-from-home schedules meant today I could break for the weekend with a looooonnnnnnnggggg commute home along canals (some of which were so new to me that even the neighbourhoods were being trod for the first time by me).

Today’s real run following the normal canal path from work to the Arena then the towpath NE (except for a closed segment) out to a massive motorway interchange and NW until closing the loop with a previous run.

The result was 16.3 miles (plus another 2.1 on a spouse induced death march), 160 canal furniture and related photos, and an increase in GVRAT mileage to 380.7.  In the interest of maintaining interest, I’ve cut the canal furniture posts into thematically bundled sub-posts, vis:

Bridges (split in 2 but still enormous posts):
♦  Aston Canal
♦  Perry Barr Canal
Gauging stations and other items of interest

In a week full of coincidence between my virtual runs and the way I am living my real life, I ran through Snow Hill (Birmingham) and Snow Hill (Tennessee) today.  I wound up (virtually) in Georgetown nest to a Dollar General and a Church of God…hope the bright lights of this big city don’t go to my head.


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.