Monthly Recap March 2023

The totals for the month: 128 miles running, 21 pubs, 8 kebabs, 8 fish and chips, 6 short reviews. Not much in the mood for any of it but the food excesses were pretty good despite my poor attitude.

Here’s the cartoon of the month (not necessarily a monthly feature):

Spotted the antiseptic wipes wrappers before the syringes (10 or more) at the tram stop. Underbrush on the verge of the Black Country New Road across the street had been cleared a day or two earlier along with a rough-sleepers’ encampment. Our local junkies are resilient, to say the least.

Also, met a homeless parolee on my walk to pick up some curry at my favourite balti place. Talked a bit about homelessness and recidivism. Momtaj was shuttered when I got there; “they’ve closed for good, bab,” the ex- and future-convict told me. I bought us a couple of ciders and sat on the pavement with him for a few minutes. Bummer evening all around, that one.

Sculpture spotted at a rainy roundabout in Duddeston on my walk to the Albion Vaults (write-up soon)

This charming fellow, below, was spotted on a trip to Erdington. I think I rode a bus with his uncle a dozen years ago in Swindon.

On the way to the Witton Rail Run (on the 11th) I spotted what appeared to be a major fire. The BBC agreed:

Somewhere between Bilston and Coseley I found myself on the outskirts of Gotham City (holy lame joke!):

Caught in one of the many downpours this month on my way to the Aldi, I emerged still wet but treated to a double rainbow:

AND, speaking of signs of clearing skies…THIS happened at the last minute: